
Back from Czech Rep!


We're back from our weekend in czech rep. and it was awesome! Thanks to everybody who came to the shows, thanks to jakub and the start today crew, thanks for the cake!! thanks to the people that let us sleep in their appartments and all.. and a very special thanks to karl for driving us!

plzen pics - praha pics (If you have pics or videos of us, send an email please!)

We are confirmed for New Direction Festival 2012 on saturday. If the sun's shining we play in the miniramp, so better bring skateboards! ndf.blogsport.de

There is a nihil baxter site on facebook but it's not run by us but Maz Spastic Fantastic, so if you wanna write to us or want to interact with us in any way write a fucking email 'cause we don't believe in facebook! we won't look at it and we won't write there anything!

btw. check out BARREL! awesome fast hardcore from plzen!!



Weekend in Czech Republic

This weekend we gonna hit the Czech republic for the first time. We'll have the new Split with Henry Fonda with us. So come by and say hi!!

promoter: http://starttoday.cz/


Fahrer/in gesucht!!!

Na wer hat ein Auto, Führerschein und Bock mit uns vier affengeilen Typen ab und an mal ein bißchen durch die Gegend zu fahren, coole Tage und Nächte zu verbringen und den ganzen Scheisz??

Aktuell suchen wir dringend jemanden für unsere Tschechien-Sause nächstes Wochenende:

13.04. Plzeň (CZ), Klub Neutral
14.04. Praha (CZ), Klub 007 Strahov
15.04. Liberec (CZ), Azyl

 Falls Du dich angesprochen fühlst, schreib uns ne email an nihil.baxter(ä)gmx.net .
(Wäre natürlich von Vorteil wenn Du aus der Nähe Tübingen/Heidenheim/Freiburg kommst, muss aber nicht..)